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FarmAgriPoliS - The simulation for modern agriculture

How does modern agriculture work? What decisions does a farmer have to make? Is it advisable to lease additional land? Would an investment in new stables make sense? Which price developments can be expected on the agricultural markets?

Play FarmAgriPoliS and get to know the challenges of modern agriculture from a producer's point of view.

In the interactive game, FarmAgriPoliS, you take over the management of a farm. The farms operate in an agricultural region and at the same time compete with computer-controlled neighbouring companies.

FarmAgriPoliS was developed for research purposes within the framework of the DFG-funded research group "Structural Change in Agriculture (SiAg)" in order to investigate the decision-making behavior of farmers and students of agricultural economics in an experimental way. As part of a grant from the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, FarmAgriPoliS has evolved into an interactive game for everyone.

Try it out for yourself!